Need 600 Unique Articles

Need 600 Unique Articles
This is a big project and we need to make sure we select the best writer. We are in need of 600 articles and must be completed within 60 days since the project is awarded to the winner. We do not require native English speaker. Please take note of the following.

1. You can rewrite articles but make sure no 3-word are similar to the source.
2. Articles must be in between 350 to 400 words
3. All articles must be submitted in text format.
4. 100 articles must be submitted every weekend
4. We will provide all keywords, titles, and outlines so writing is not difficult.. You don’t need to do research..

We only select serious bidder and you must provide proof that you can do this project. We require all bidders to submit 1 article sample (newly written) via PM with in any of the following topics. You need to do a little research in any of the following topic you selected for the sample. No sample, no chance. This is a serious matter and articles will be posted in New Zealander and Australian websites you quality is our priority. You can find similar articles and rewrite them as sample.. we will check your rewriting ability.

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Your reviews is not a guarantee that we select you. Quality is the most important to us and we can only check that through your sample… Give us your best shot.. We give our best offer to best writers. We may select up to 5 winners if we like… This is just a partial order, we need more in the next couple of months… probably 200 to 300 per month…

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