Customizable XML Case Study Flash Page (Other)

Customizable XML Case Study Flash Page

The Customizable XML Case Study Flash Page is a very customizable XML Flash page that can be used for case studies, project buttons, or just pieces of text with an image beside! It’s designed to look neat and clean and efficient. You can change all the text you see and HTML format it to change the size and color of it, anywhere! You can have your case studies shown vertically in a list with the image on the left and text on the right, or have it as a horizontal grid with the text below the image. When you choose horizontal grid, you can choose how many images there are across before it start a new line! Images can be any size you want! You can even include FLV videos and as many as you want! The images can link out to a URL of your choice or not be active at all! The whole Flash page can be any size you want. The info text next to the image can be as long or as short as you like. If the case studies fit within the Flash space, there are no scrolling buttons, but if it’s too long, the scroll buttons appear and you are able to scroll it. All done in an XML file!

AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 and above only.

Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. Also, two html files are included to demonstrate SWF embedding for both full browser and fixed size.

The file uses a version of the Light Video Player.

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