flexible advent calendar (Other)

Make your own calendar in minutes without coding.

1. Insert your own background image(If you want).
2. Drag the doors on stage, scale them as you need them.
3. Set the properties in the property inspector.

The system takes the date from a server side script. If the server side script isn’t found, the windows date is taken automatically.

You can make more than one door for a day but the user can just
open one door for each day.


  • Build your own advent calendar without coding one line.
  • Show content inside the small doors and/or overlaying the whole advent calendar.
  • You don’t need to cut your graphics for the doors. They are doing the work for you. Just place and scale them as you need them.
  • external swf files are used for content and overlay. This way you can show what ever you want.
  • External swf files are just loaded if they are needed, so there is no overhead.
  • You can make as many doors as you want. This allows you to use the calendar for any other purpose than advent. (Easter, Halloween, count down for Superbowl, …)
  • What doors can be opened is controlled by a server script. So changing the time on the client doesn’t allow cheating. If the server script isn’t found the client calender is takes automatically.
  • Several door templates are coming with the system and you can easily build your own.
  • The falling flakes are instances from a movieclip in the Library. This way you can change them easily. You can make footballs, eggs or whatever flying round.
  • The system allows to make more than one door for each day.
  • Each user can just open one door per day. This is controlled by a flashcookie.
  • You can control if the user can open doors from past days.

Download flexible advent calendar (Other)

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