hi everyone! i am seeking a very hard worker that has the highest quality writing. Has to be English speaking and be American, UK, Canadian or Australia only.
Your work has to pass Copyscape. You can’t have errors. I do not have time to fix everything.
I am very easy to get along with and flexible but you must also be flexible. This is a job and i have various writing projects long term. I have deadlines for my clients that have to be met.
This job will consist of rewriting articles, writing brand new articles, etc. it is a multi-task job and i need someone to learn if they do not know everything and want to learn and be flexible. this means you maybe writing something and i might need your help on something else temporarily.
If possible I use Google Chat. I don’t have Skype. I like to use constantly to stay in constant contact.
If you are flexible and a hard worker and a go getter, please email and i will have you write me a sample.
Please send me samples of your work also.
I do not need a team or canned messages either. i will know if you assume you speak English etc.
This job starts small to see how it goes. You are good, pay will go up. So, please decide to bid even though you think my pay is small. I will pay you for your time and hard work!
Again going to be long term, full time, and a team player that can multi-task and go fast but do high quality work!!
Type in at the top of your email TEDDY BEAR so i know you really read this.
This job will go for 20 articles-brand new and some rewrites. Thanks!