Groupon Clone With Some Live Shopping Features


We want to get the best quality GROUPON CLONE, but we need some different features, closer to live shopping sites.

– as will love as much features included in the script as possible,
– Stable, Secure and Scalable.
– Open, clear and understandable source code,
– reliable, easily customizable and perfectly suitable for low-to-large scale websites,

Due to our project is not an standard Groupon, we need some special features for our script. SPECIAL FEATURES:

– MORE THAN ONE DEAL FOR EACH CITY: Because we want to daily offer 2, 3, 4 or more, deals for each city, we need a template with Deals summary, and from these list of Deals, user will access to the complete information of each deal (something like: )

– CONTROL PANEL: 3 different control panels/ private areas:
1st) for us (Webmaster)
2nd) for users: typical staff
3rd) for companies: to create deals, modify deals, price, discounts, information od deals, coupons offered and sold, Start/End Date & Time, etc, etc = IT MEANS, companies must be able to include and manage deals totally autonomously to us. THIS FEATURE IS A MUST

– COUPONS OFFERED: normally there will be just a sort amount of coupons offered, and we dont want a ¡§Minimum amount of buyers required to activate the deal¡¨. So we meed: ¡§Amount of coupons offered¡¨. We will select the amount from admin, and there will be shown a kind of COUNT DOWN: ¡§We still have 7 coupons offered, from 20 coupons sold at the beginning¡¨ or ¡§7 coupons left, from 20 offered¡¨.

– STARR AND END TIME: We want full availability to choose times of start and end for deals. Also we want this availability in companies control panel.

– COUPONS PAYMENT AND DELIVERY: Because we don¡¦t want ¡§Minimum amount of buyers required to activate the deal¡¨, deals will be activated by default. It means that payment will be confirmed and coupon will be sent right in the moment user purchase it.

Preference would be given to the Programmers with previous experience in this type of projects and who can show demo will have the upper hand.

Budget: $200 – $1000

Thanks in advance.

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