Seven pebbles enter the screen in a radial format centering in the middle of the banner. The pebbles are now positioned in a circle. Sections of a white line circle appear on the pebbles. The sections and jumbled up, and at this stage the user is prompted to complete the circle by correctly positioning the pebbles to form a complete circle. This element of interactivity invites the user to quickly solve the problem presented, increasing his awareness and interest in the banner. The task of swapping pebbles is simple and does
not pose the risk of scaring the user, on the contrary, it is so simple that the user will feel compelled to quickly complete it, revealing the slogan and prompted to enter the site.
Once the pebbles are put in their correct positions to form a complete circle, the line glows,indicating that unity has been achieved and the pebbles fade out to reveal the tag line together with a button to enter the site. The button pulsates, inviting the user to click and follow through. Once clicked, the compulsory text and logos quickly flash in and out then the user is forwarded to the main website.
I am attaching a picture to help you understand, this project has to be done in 2 days and in 2 different sizes.