Dubai bomb flew on passenger jets

Dubai deviceThe device had been placed in a cardboard box and posted to the US

One of the two bombs posted from Yemen last week was transported on two passenger planes before being seized in Dubai, Qatar Airways says.

The device was carried on a Qatar Airbus A320 from the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, to Doha, the company confirmed.

There it was transferred onto another Qatar Airways plane to Dubai, where it was seized by police.

The bomb used PETN explosive, which is difficult to detect using normal airport security screening.

A second device was found at East Midlands Airport in the UK. Both bombs were hidden inside printer toner cartridges.

Until now it had been thought that both devices had been transported using cargo planes.

The firms UPS and FedEx had been used to post the devices, which were addressed to synagogues in the US.

The British authorities says the bomb seized in the UK was believed to have been designed to go off during the flight.

The Yemeni authorities are questioning a student who is believed to have posted the devices.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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