Clone As WordPress Plugin

I need a full featured and template driven plugin to clone as a plugin for wordpress. Please see the template-engine of the wp-e-commerce plugin to know what i mean with template driven.

Plugin must support all the functions from

Must have a modular AJAX engine, so it’s possible to easily integrate it in every premium-wordpress-theme.

Must be multinlanguage ready with the default wordpress-functions (__ and _e) to translate with poEdit.

Must be full localized, so it’s possible to use the script in every country.

All forms must be at the front-end. The user don’t have to redirect to the wordpress backend.
(Register, Login, MyAccount, myFavorites)

You have to use custom-post-types for ingredents.

Modular payment-interface with paypal integration.

You don’t have to use a lot of plugins. All functions must be integrated in only one plugin. If you need to use other plugins, you have to ask me BEFORE the project starts.

I got all rights to the script.

After i select you as provider you have to send me 3-5 milestones for the project with a brief-description for each milestone.
I only will upload the escrow for a milestone, before the milestone begins.
I only release ALL payments after the project is fully done. There will be no part payment.
If one milestone fails, the full project will be canceld without any payment.

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