Get It Done Webmaster

Get It Done Webmaster
The site is called , we will be selling 1 DVD from the site and 10 digital downloads. We will be working with affiliates from, please take a look at this site if you are unfamiliar with content. We already have a squeeze and sales page built, just need updates and changes to them. It is crucial to have phone contact with this webmaster 7 days a week.

Know current FTC 2010 rules
Update squeeze page with video and text changes
Know how to embed flash player to play videos
Know how to write extremely professinal “COPY” to sales page
Add video to sales page
Add Privacy Policy page
Add Terms of Service and Use page
Add About page
We will need 10 digital video download links added
Create Thank you page
Assist with set up Click Bank for digital downloads
Set up Auto – Responder at AWeber and help with follow up sequences
Set up Paypal on site
Create custom paypal button
Add url favicon
Optimize SEO

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