Automated Software Program Needed To Run 24/7

This is merely an outline of the software program needed:

– The software must have complete automated settings, as well as manual abilities

– The software must deliver unique fake hits and simulate real visitor activity to any URL of the users choice, using a unique IP address per visit.

– The ability to upload an unlimited number of IP addresses to the software database, for the fake hits.

– It must auto-complete forms on these pages with information from uploaded from its database.

– Of course the ability to upload csv documents for the IP addresses and form information.

– It must provide statistics

– It must send email reports

– An algorithm will be needed to simulate real traffic that is to be sent at various times of the day. The traffics IP will reflect the time it arrives at. For example, hits between 5am-6am EST should really reflect UK IPs as the timezone would be 10am-11am. Ability to send specific traffic is required too. For example, campaign one to send US traffic only, whereas campaign 2 can send any traffic (IP).

– We may need to visit certain web URLs before reaching the target page, so as to create a “referred from” account.

– Plus more.

There is much more detailed information of what the software should do, which I will send to you upon request. This is the outline, which should help you decide if you have the skill set to complete the task at hand.

Thank you.

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