WordPress Expert Adding Non Spammable Captcha To Form

One of the incompetent programmers installed a WordPress system to manage my site that only contains a few pages. On each page there is a contact form.


1. Captcha is being spammed by robots. It’s probably ‘Really Simple captcha’ or similar garbage. A chosen programmer will have to replace it with something that works and is not spammed by robots.

2. It’s not possible to edit some pages from the wp-admin area (for example the index page). When I try to edit the page it does nothing (page expires after a while); preview doesn’t work either. But it works correctly with other pages. So this needs to be fixed too.


Only programmers who know what they are doing are welcome to bid. You must know how to do programming and understand what you do, not just install/deinstall some addons.

Thank you.

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