Web Site Thumb Image Script Installed And Setup

Web Site Thumb image Script Installed and setup to run with my Directory script that shows image thumbs of the site in the ad. I will have all the zip files at the end of this that I have used and want to use on the project

The site that the thumb works with is here

The site image code looks like this

$image_name = “http://open.thumbshots.org/image.pxf?url=”.$data[5].”&w=50&h=50″;

Right now its running on a free image site as you can see.

I had a system that was working but real slow in a windows vps
Its running the script:

and IECapt.exe is in the folder with the script

I just bought this system here and from what I can see it might be the answer. Its a thumb image script and it looks like it can be ran with my site.

What I need to know from the person I hire is????

Will it work with my script and can you link it up with out me going broke??

What kind of hosting do I need for the thumb site?
I have a Linux server with whm/cpanel and if that works it would be best
I can get windows hosting in minutes
I order a windows VPS yesterday and hope to have it tomorrow

Please understand I am limited on the budget because its just a personal project script.
Please download the thumb script and the site script to be sure that it can be done and the best way to do it. Normally I am on freelancer.com for my projects but this project has failed on that site by freelancer 3 times. One time because the guy was just not able to understand the job and should not have bid let alone say he could fix it. The other two times on the site the freelance did not make my image system work but hot linked it to some other site in hopes to trick me into thinking it was fixed. I am sick of the tricks and I want my site script to work off my thumb site system.

Here is the backup of the script that was slow and working in the old vps
Download Link for Thumb-Site-Back-up.zip: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?128787832581177240

Here is the Directory script that uses the thumb images. I have two others but they all link the same so I can change the coding in them once this one works. The image code can be seen on line 204 index.php

Download Link for NEWdirectoryscript_pixel.zip: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?128797134530481691

Here is the thumb script I just bought from

Download Link for thumbnailcreator.zip: https://www.scriptlance.com/f/?128797141453701009

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