WordPress Plugin With Keywords

I need a wordpress plugin built that would do the following:

Use keywords to create pages with the same keywords in them. I need to be able to pick a category/or page parent and need the ability to pick to do post or pages. It would also need to allow me to pick which template I want to use.

It needs to be able to use a tag or token and place keywords wherever I want them in my content.

I need to put however many keywords I want in a box and let the plugin create the pages/post.

An Example using three different keywords?


I make a page that where the title says:

I like to wear (keyword) shoes.

The Meta Tag would be:
(keyword) Shoes
Tying (keyword) shoes

The description would be:

I like to wear (keyword) shoes. If you want to buy (keyword) shoes then visit the (keyword) shoe Store.

The content would would also have keywords in it too.

The plugin needs to be able to read the html and place keywords wherever I want them by using a token like (keyword) or {keyword}

It is not mandatory but if the keywords could know when to be capitalized in certain ways that would be great too.

I have seen something similar below using the keyword “red shoes are great”.

{keyword} = red shoes are great
{keywordallcaps} = RED SHOES ARE GREAT
{keyword1stcap} = Red Shoes are great
{keyword1steach} = Red Shoes Are Great
{keyword-} = red-shoes-are-great
{keyword_} = red_shoes_are_great

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