Auction Site Template Designs

Auction Site Template Designs

I am looking for a creative, professional graphics designer to design some templates that will be used in my soon to be production released automotive auction site, which will rival eBayMotors.

This auction site will allow sellers to post their items online for sale / auction. These templates will be provided to sellers on the site for selection when they are creating their listings to post onto the site to sell. The templates will be a part of the framework which will consist of the template graphics, the listing images the seller uploads, as well as the text the seller will add to the listing when it is created.

This job is to create 5 unique listing templates, but if things work out, there is be a high probability for the designer to receive additional future template design work.

Ideally, I would like to find someone who has experience in the creation of automotive styled graphics and also have HTML/CSS experience cut up these templates and reassemble them into a HTML/CSS template framework.

I have attached a copy of a template that would be representative of the type of template design and quality I feel is suitable for the site.

When quoting this job, please provide examples of you past design work.

Thanks and good luck!


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