Website Designer Needed

Website Designer Needed

Some background:

My partner and I work in the motion picture and television industry in Los Angeles, California. We specifically work in “Post Production”. “Post Production” encompasses picture editing, sound editing/sound mixing, music editing, creation of visual effects, and many other functions necessary to complete a motion picture for exhibition in movie theaters, or television shows for broadcast.

What we need:

There are many people that work in “Post Production”, not only in Los Angeles, but around the world. What we want to do is create a website for those that work in “Post Production” that is part social media, part job search, part blog, part information dissemination, as well as other things of interest, and value, to all members of the “Post Production” community. The essence of this website is “people helping people” within the “Post Production” community.

What properties the website should have:

It should have a very clean, elegant, slick, and professional look.
There should be different font styles used that are classy looking, but easy to read.
It should utilize different colors for different areas/sections.
The saying “less is more” should apply to the look and feel of this website.
It should not look, or feel, cluttered, but it also shouldn’t look sparse.
It should load fast.

As the web designer/builder you should use any combination of programming tools, and skills, you have to achieve these properties. You should also ask us many questions before you start to have a full, and thorough, understanding of what we want.

Sections needed:

-About us.
-Contact us.
-Looking for a job. (For posting resumes.)
-Looking to fill a job.
-Members blog.
-Technical and non-technical articles by members.
-Technical articles by facilities.
-Community member pictures.
-Suggestions from community members to improve the website, or add a feature to it.
-Affiliated organizations of the “Post Production” community.
-Looking to buy equipment.
-Looking to sell equipment.
-Search for members, or a group of members, by keywords. (There should be a database of all community members that can be searched.)
-Post Production events.
-Member sign up page (Membership will be required to post anything.)


We are currently having our logo designed and will provide that once completed. Please provide format specifications needed.

Administrative functions of the website:

My partner and I will be the web masters once the website has been built. Neither of us are programmers so managing the website day to day should not require us to know programming code/languages. We think we want all postings of articles and pictures to have to be submitted to us for our approval first, as we want to make sure no one is posting anything illegal, or slanderous of any other community member, organization, or facility that may also be part of the “Post Production” community. We do not want to censor anyone but as the owners of this website we also don’t want to be held liable for the negative actions of any community member using our website. Although we plan to administer the website ourselves it is possible we may require ongoing website maintenance by our web designer/builder, once the website is functional.


Expect to make multiple revisions as this will be a work in progress that can’t be achieved in just one pass. My partner and I will want to be involved in the design/layout process and you should be willing to work with us in that manner.

Examples of Your Work

Please provide us with examples of your web design work on functional websites that we can look at.

And Finally

Your work should be outstanding.

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