I have a normal js file for vscode extension api. When debugging, js seems to be broken (I know, impossible). Here is my code …
() => {
const textEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (!textEditor) return;
const document = textEditor.document;
const lineNum = document.lineCount-1;
const textLine = document.lineAt(lineNum-2);
const lineRange = textLine.range;
const rgtChrIdx = lineRange.end.character;
const lftChrIdx = rgtChrIdx-4;
// debugger breakpoint here
const lftPos = new vscode.Position(lineNum, lftChrIdx);
const rgtPos = new vscode.Position(lineNum, rgtChrIdx);
const chrRange = new vscode.Range(lftPos, rgtPos);
const text = document.getText(chrRange);
if(text === "/**/") textEditor.edit(
editBuilder => editBuilder.replace(chrRange, ""));
At the breakpoint rgtChrIdx == 14 and lftChrIdx == 0. I have tried a breakpoint on every line. Does anyone have any idea what is going on?