Dynamic import of component – missing the getter in Svelte 5

I wanted to import component dynamically to create something like a blog in Svelte 5. Very similar to this approach here in Svelte 3 or 4:

I have this +page.server.jsfile

export async function load() {
    const posts_paths = Object.keys(import.meta.glob('/src/routes/posts_projects/*/+page.svelte'));

    const unsorted_posts = await Promise.all(
        posts_paths.map(async (path) => {
            const link = path.split('/').at(-2) ?? '';
            const component = await import(`../../routes/posts_projects/${link}/+page.svelte`);
            const { title, date } = component;
            return { title, date, link };
    return { unsorted_posts };

However, when I log the component, there is not title or date. It looks like this:

  default: [Function: _page] {
    render: [Function (anonymous)],
    [Symbol(filename)]: 'src/routes/posts_projects/temperature_anomaly/+page.svelte'
  [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Module'

While when I clone the repo from above and log the component I get this:

  default: { render: [Function: render], '$$render': [Function: $$render] },
  title: [Getter],
  date: [Getter],
  [Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)]: 'Module'

A post component, in my svelte-5 application, looks like this:

<script module>
    import Post from '../Post.svelte';

    let date = new Date('2025-01-01');
    let title = 'test tile';

<Post {title} {date}>content...</Post>

I guess I’m missing something obvious here. But anyone got an idea?


Ok I got a little confused here. In the original example it’s used the and some variables are exported like this:

<script lang="ts" context="module">
    import Post from "../Post.svelte";
    export let title = "My first blog post";
    export let date = new Date("2023-01-22");

I wrongly thought that this would be svelte-code, but its just exporting these varibles I think. So just adding the export-statement did the job. My bad