To give you some context I am currently working on deploying an app to Netlify.
Its my first time deploying a NextJS app and I seems to be having issues.
What I would normally do with a regular React app is just select the frontend folder within my Gtihub Repo and just do a npm run build and have the dist folder be the one selected.
But I seem to be doing something wrong.
I have done those exact same steps only thing different is I selected the .next folder like literally put the “.next” within the configuration.
As I was trying to deploy there were some common failures due to some unused components which honestly gave me high hopes. As I fixed those issues and the deployment “succeded” I ended up with an Error on my main page.
These were the configuration I did within my Deployment settings:
This is how my Files are structured within my NextJS app:
As you can see. Its a simple one page application.
I am not sure if it has something to do with how my Pages are setup. I understand NextJS uses a file based routing.
Any help or guidance into how to handle this issue as well as to how to deploy NextJS in general would be highly appreciated!