Randomization of images+sentences in a within design without repetition of the same stimuli on Qualtrics

I have 30 photos of people and 30 sentences describing actions. I need to create randomized pairs where a photo is displayed with a sentence below it, and participants will evaluate the person depicted using a Likert scale. Participants must see all 30 pairs.

Participants should not see any repeated photos or sentences. I want the pairs to be randomized so that any photo can be paired with any sentence from the set. Additionally, I need to record which photo and sentence were shown for each evaluation in the dataset.

(I expect to have a certain amount of mid-dropout participants because the task is lengthy).

What approach can I use to achieve this?

So far, I created a block with a multiple-choice item using images and another item with sentences. I applied advanced randomization to ensure that only one of the image choices is displayed evenly. I did the same for the sentences. Then, I applied JavaScript to hide the image item, automatically select the displayed choice, and click the “Next” button (to save the response in the data). I repeated this process for the sentence item. Afterward, I piped the image and sentence into a Likert scale. All of this was set up within a block using loop & merge, repeating 30 times.

It is working well in my tests, but I am concerned that with real participants, some may drop out and disrupt the even distribution of the images and sentences. I fear that eventually some participants might see repeated images or sentences due to the disruption.

Would this be a real concern?