Attribute’s ordering is reversed everytime parallel plot is rerendered

I am using Hiplot chart in my react component similar to example here

I use order param of Parallel Plot to show attributes in certain ordering. When first time component is rendered ordering(Order of attr in Parallel plot from left to right) is correct. But when more data is added to the experiment data or just component is rendered, the ordering of attributes in Parallel Plot is reversed. And ordering keeps on reversing every time new data is added to experiment state for example on button click.

Check this code

      const [items, setItems] = React.useState<hip.HiPlotExperiment | null>();
      const createExperiment = (data: any) => { 
        const experiment: hip.HiPlotExperiment = hip.Experiment.from_iterable(data);
        experiment.colorby = "P1";
        experiment.enabled_displays = [hip.DefaultPlugins.PARALLEL_PLOT]
        experiment.display_data = {
          "PARALLEL_PLOT": {
              hide: ["uid"], // this attr is hidden successfully
              order: ["P1", "output_result"] // Attrs list i need to order
       console.log(items?.display_data?.PARALLEL_PLOT?.order); // though in the console always correct order is looged

Html snippet

       {items && (
           <div className="m-3 pb-12">
              onChange={{ 'brush_extents': handleSelectionChange }}

I use version 0.1.34-rc.200