Speed up Google Apps Script with slow Gmail message interactions

Gmail’s app script API call for getting a thread’s messages takes particularly long (timing captured below), so I’m looking for a way to asynchronously kick off each call in the page_count batch, and then wait for the results of all the .getMessages() calls at the end. Unfortunately, .getMessages() is not natively asynchronous, so how can I make this work?

for (var page_i = 0; page_i < unread_count; page_i += page_count) {
  Logger.log("Page count = " + page_i);
  var inbox_threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(page_i, page_count);
  // var inbox_threads = GmailApp.search('in:inbox', page_i, page_count);

  Logger.log("Got threads, getting messages...");
  for (var i = 0; i < inbox_threads.length; i++) {
    var message = inbox_threads[i].getMessages();
    var sender = message[0].getFrom(); 

    if (sender in cObj) {
    } else {
      cObj[sender] = 1;

Execution log:

3:51:44 AM  Info    Page count = 0
3:51:45 AM  Info    Got threads, getting messages...
3:52:17 AM  Info    Page count = 250
3:52:17 AM  Info    Got threads, getting messages...
3:52:50 AM  Info    Page count = 500
3:52:51 AM  Info    Got threads, getting messages...
3:53:23 AM  Info    Page count = 750