Is there a way to link it? L.Routing.control spliceWaypoints - marker option & bindPopup

■ spliceWaypointsに option & bindPopupを 関連付けたい
    ( want to associate [1] and [2])

 ★個別追加(Individual Addition) 
//start:0,Move:1 /Add:0 /latlng
routeControl.spliceWaypoints(0, 0, [38.2601, 140.8824]); ---------[1]

//↓↓ 同じマーカーを追加しても、二重に重なって希望の結果が得られない
    (Adding the same marker results in duplicates and the desired results are not achieved)
L.marker([38.2601, 140.8824], {     --------------------------------[2]
        icon: startIcon,
        draggable: true

I want to export geojson with popup comments and then import it, and I want to include the popup comments. I’ve tried various things but I haven’t gotten the results I want.

Because the questions are from Japanese people, some of the questions are difficult to understand.