Fix the position of an infobox relative to a sigma.js node

I was experimenting with sigma.js with the help of AI,and I had a need to click a node and make it show me a info box of information. I added the info box and two nodes so I could test, but I can’t seem to make the info box stay put right below the node, it appears on the top left corner when I click, and nothing I did changed that. Here is the code:

import Graph from "graphology";
import Sigma from "sigma";

// Create a new graph instance
const graph = new Graph();

// Add nodes and an edge to the graph
graph.addNode("1", { label: "Node 1", x: 0, y: 0, size: 10, color: "blue" });
graph.addNode("2", { label: "Node 2", x: 1, y: 1, size: 20, color: "red" });
graph.addEdge("1", "2", { size: 5, color: "purple" });

// Get the container element from the HTML
const container = document.getElementById("container");
if (!container) {
  console.error("Container element not found. Make sure #container exists in the HTML.");
} else {
  // Initialize Sigma renderer
  const renderer = new Sigma(graph, container);

  // Create a div to act as the info box
  const infoBox = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "1px solid #ccc"; = "#fff"; = "10px"; = "1000"; = "none"; // Initially hidden

  // Add event listener for node clicks
  renderer.on("clickNode", (event) => {
    const nodeId = event.node;
    const nodeAttributes = graph.getNodeAttributes(nodeId);

    // Populate the info box with node details
    infoBox.innerHTML = `
      <h3>Node Details</h3>
      <p>This node has a size of ${nodeAttributes.size} and is colored ${nodeAttributes.color}.</p>
      <p>Feel free to explore the graph!</p>

    // Get the screen coordinates of the node
    const nodeDisplayData = renderer.getNodeDisplayData(nodeId);
    if (nodeDisplayData) {
      // Offset the coordinates to position the info box correctly in the viewport
      const containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
      const adjustedX = containerRect.left + nodeDisplayData.x - infoBox.offsetWidth / 2;
      const adjustedY = + nodeDisplayData.y - infoBox.offsetHeight - 10; // Position above the node

      // Set the info box position = `${adjustedX}px`; = `${adjustedY}px`; = "block";

      // Log the final coordinates of the text box to the console
      console.log(`InfoBox Coordinates: X = ${adjustedX}, Y = ${adjustedY}`);

  // Add event listener to hide the info box when clicking on the stage
  renderer.on("clickStage", () => { = "none";

I tried to change the way it calculated the screen coordinates, but no matter what I changed, the info box continues to appear on the top left corner of my screen.