Cypress config option “testIsolation: false” is not working on Describe level saying argument type is not assignable to parameter type

I am trying to add config option “testIsolation: false” on describe level, but it is not recognized.

describe("Test 1",{ testIsolation: false}, () => { }

Argument type { testIsolation: boolean } is not assignable to parameter type Cypress.SuiteConfigOverrides

The other available options are recognized as expected but baseUrl and testIsolation are not.

  interface SuiteConfigOverrides extends Partial<
    Pick<ConfigOptions, 'animationDistanceThreshold' | 'blockHosts' | 'defaultCommandTimeout' | 'env' | 'execTimeout' | 'includeShadowDom' | 'numTestsKeptInMemory' | 'pageLoadTimeout' | 'redirectionLimit' | 'requestTimeout' | 'responseTimeout' | 'retries' | 'screenshotOnRunFailure' | 'slowTestThreshold' | 'scrollBehavior' | 'taskTimeout' | 'viewportHeight' | 'viewportWidth' | 'waitForAnimations'>
  >, Partial<Pick<ResolvedConfigOptions, 'baseUrl' | 'testIsolation'>> {
    browser?: IsBrowserMatcher | IsBrowserMatcher[]
    keystrokeDelay?: number

enter image description here

I am using Cypress with JavaScript. Version 13.3.1, but I tried with the latest and it is not working as well.