I currently have six table instances: module, codefunc, link, combo, node, and edge.
And there are the following relationships:
module 1:1 combo
codefunc 1:1 node
link 1:1 edge
The detail typeORM entities:
@Unique(['path', 'moduleName'])
export class ComboModule {
id: number | undefined
// Combo
@OneToOne(type => Combo)
combo: Combo | undefined;
type: 'varchar',
path: string
type: 'varchar',
moduleName: string
type: 'text'
desc?: string
@ManyToOne(type => ComboModule)
parent?: ComboModule | null
@OneToMany(type => NodeCodeFunc, codeFunc => codeFunc.module)
codeFuncs: NodeCodeFunc[] | undefined
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
isDeleted: boolean | undefined
createDate?: Date
updateDate?: Date
constructor(moduleName: string = '', path: string, desc: string | undefined = '', parent: ComboModule| null) {
this.moduleName = moduleName
this.desc = desc
this.path = path
this.parent = parent
export class EdgeCommonSupport {
id: number | undefined
// Combo
@OneToOne(type => Edge)
edge: Edge | undefined;
type: 'varchar',
default: 'support'
supportName: string | undefined
type: 'text'
desc?: string
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
isDeleted: boolean | undefined
createDate?: Date
updateDate?: Date
constructor(supportName: string = '', desc: string | undefined = '' ) {
this.supportName = supportName
this.desc = desc
@Unique(['path', 'codefuncName'])
export class NodeCodeFunc {
id: number | undefined
// Combo
@OneToOne(type => Node)
node: Node | undefined;
type: 'varchar',
path: string | undefined
type: 'varchar',
codefuncName: string
type: 'text'
desc?: string
@ManyToOne(type => ComboModule, module => module.codeFuncs)
module: ComboModule | null
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
isDeleted: boolean | undefined
createDate?: Date
updateDate?: Date
constructor(path: string, codefuncName: string = '', desc: string | undefined = '', module: ComboModule | null) {
this.path = path
this.codefuncName = codefuncName
this.desc = desc
this.module = module
export class Node {
id: number | undefined
// ProjMod
@ManyToOne(type => ProjMod, projMod => projMod.Nodes)
projMod: ProjMod
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
isDeleted: boolean | undefined
createDate?: Date
updateDate?: Date
constructor(projMod: ProjMod) {
this.projMod = projMod
export const EdgeConnectType = {
NodeToNode: 'NodeToNode',
NodeToCombo: 'NodeToCombo',
ComboToCombo: 'ComboToCombo',
ComboToNode: 'ComboToNode'
export class Edge {
id: number | undefined
// ProjMod
@ManyToOne(type => ProjMod, projMod => projMod.Nodes)
projMod: ProjMod
type: 'varchar',
nullable: true,
default: EdgeConnectType.NodeToNode
connecttype: string | undefined
// Node:source
@OneToOne(type => Node)
NodeSource?: Node
// Node:target
@OneToOne(type => Node)
NodeTarget?: Node
// Combo:source
@OneToOne(type => Combo)
ComboSource?: Combo
// Combo:target
@OneToOne(type => Combo)
ComboTarget?: Combo
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
isDeleted: boolean | undefined
createDate?: Date
updateDate?: Date
constructor(projMod: ProjMod) {
this.projMod = projMod
export class Combo {
id: number | undefined
// ProjMod
@ManyToOne(type => ProjMod, projMod => projMod.Nodes)
projMod: ProjMod
default: false,
type: 'boolean'
isDeleted: boolean | undefined
createDate?: Date
updateDate?: Date
constructor(projMod: ProjMod) {
this.projMod = projMod
I can query out module (and its combo) + codefuncs (and its node).
For example, in the following way(fine-tuning may be required):
export const ModulesWithCodefuncs = publicProcedure.input(z.object({
projModId: z.number()
})).query(async ({input: {projModId}}) => {
const modules = await dataBase.getRepository(ComboModule)
.where("combo.projMod.isDeleted = :isDeleted", { isDeleted: false })
.andWhere("combo.projMod.id = :projModId", { projModId: projModId })
.leftJoinAndSelect('ComboModule.combo', 'combo')
.leftJoinAndSelect('ComboModule.codeFuncs', 'codeFuncs')
return modules
But now I also want to query out the related edges(because there also has many edges source/target in other projMod). How should I do it?
I don’t have any idea about how to query it out through typeorm.
The only thing that comes to my mind is to query out all the edges and the module + codefunc queried here, and then iterate through the edges, judging whether the source/target of the edge belongs to module/codefunc, and keep it if it exists.