I am using appscript (google for developers) to try and write a script for a monthly report I do. Basically, I take the Google slides that are the same each month and I make a copy, then I make a copy of the corresponding workbook.
function updateChartLinks() {
// Replace with the ID of the presentation you want to update
var presentationId = "abcdefg";
// Replace with the ID of the new spreadsheet you want to link to
var spreadsheetId = "abcdefg";
var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId);
var sheet2 = ss2.getSheets()[0];
var chart2 = sheet2.getCharts()[0];
Logger.log('spreadsheet2 name is ' + ss2.getName());
// get all charts from all sheets of the spreadsheet copy
var sheets2 = ss2.getSheets();
var allCharts = []; // keep track of all charts on all sheets of the spreadsheet
var allChartsIds = []; // keep track of the ids for all the charts
var chartsnum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sheets2.length; i++) {
var curSheet2 = sheets2[i];
if (curSheet2) { // Check if curSheet2 is defined
var charts2 = curSheet2.getCharts();
for (var j = 0; j < charts2.length; j++) {
var curChart2 = charts2[j];
allCharts[chartsnum] = curChart2;
allChartsIds[chartsnum] = curChart2.getChartId();
Logger.log('n chart2 Id is ' + curChart2.getChartId());
//total number of charts in all sheets of the spreadsheet
var lengthAllCharts = allCharts.length;
var pres2 = SlidesApp.openById(presentationId);
Logger.log('pres2 name is ' + pres2.getName());
var slides2 = pres2.getSlides();
for (var i = 0; i < slides2.length; i++) {
var slide = slides2[i];
var shapes = slide.getShapes();
shapes.forEach(shape => {
if (shape.getShapeType() == SlidesApp.ShapeType.CHART) {
var chart = shape.asChart();
var chartData = chart.getChartData();
// Assuming the charts are in the same order as in the new spreadsheet
var newChart = allCharts.shift();
// Force a refresh of the chart data
The problem is, the copy of the google slides are still linked to the original workbook, not the copy. These presentations are usually super long with 30-50+ charts. Rather than copy and paste each individual chart, I’d like to write a script that takes the copy of the presentation and re-links the embedded charts with the copy of the workbook. I would like to run it manually. This is as far as I got, I have a feeling the bottom of the code is where things are going awry– the code will run, but at the end when I refresh the copy of the presentation, it is still linked to the original workbook (not the copy).