I have several icons in my web application which look like this:
type IconProps = ComponentProps<"svg">
const Icon = (props: IconProps) => {
const [, rest] = splitProps(props, ["class"])
return (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
class={cn("", props.class)}
export function IconUser(props: IconProps) {
return (
<Icon {...props}>
<path .... />
Next I want to write the following component to receive one of the various icons and render it. However I need the ability to add the style prop to the given icon.
export const SettingButton = (props: {
title: string;
icon: ?; // JSX.Element maybe?
onPress: () => void;
}) => {
const { hovering, hoveringProps } = useHovering();
const responsive = useResponsiveV2();
const color = () => {
if (hovering()) {
return c.colors.text.secondary;
return c.colors.text.tertiary;
return (
? // {props.icon} works but I want to add the style prop to it here
// Ideally {props.icon style={{color: color()}}}
// Usage: <SettingButton title={"Test"} icon={<IconUser />} onPress={() => {}} />
Please note that I am using solidjs so to my knowledge cloneElement is not available.
Also I know I could wrap this in a div and apply the style there but I am wondering how to do it right.