I am creating a Todo app in Angular using Firestore as my backend. I am really new to Firebase and I am having trouble storing and fetching dates.
When I get the dates from firebase and console.log them i get something like this: date: _Timestamp { seconds: 1736290800, nanoseconds: 0 }
I understand that to get a human readable date out of this i need to access the seconds part of this and convert it. I have tried to use date.seconds and date.getSeconds() but .seconds gives me this error:
[ERROR] TS2339: Property ‘seconds’ does not exist on type ‘Date’. [plugin angular-compiler]
79 │ console.log("date: ",todo.deadlineDate.seconds);
And date.getSeconds() is not recognized as a function.
It seems like the date retrieved from firebase is not recognized as a Timestamp object.
I have tried making a Timestamp object of the variable using Timestamp.fromDate() but it did not work.
I am using Angular 18 with AngularFirestore and the dates are from user input with MatDatePickerModule and MatNativeDateModule and is stored as a Date in the object sent to firebase.
Appreciate if someone would have a solution to this.