Encountered two children with the same key. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates

I am making a drag and drop system with react dnd. In the drag section the unique id is generated while dragging item:{id:uuid(),type:type} the item the element and on drop the item is received in drop section

const [,drop] = useDrop(()=>({
    drop:(item:{id:UUIDTypes,type:string}, monitor)=>{

On first drag and drop it generate the id. when i do it for second time it’s giving me this error. Also while i log the id console.log(item.id); the same id is loging every time which is generated at the first drag & drop

<div className='h-screen flex flex-col border w-full 'ref={drop}>
        return(<EditorRenderingHelper key={e.id.toString()} element = {e}/>)

the logs:

key: 98f499f3-f214-401d-90ce-a069c7396a34

key: 98f499f3-f214-401d-90ce-a069c7396a34

key: 98f499f3-f214-401d-90ce-a069c7396a34

key: 98f499f3-f214-401d-90ce-a069c7396a34

The browser console is showing this,

Encountered two children with the same key, `f1ff56c1-0b2e-4f4c-9ba5-6c1568714635`. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.

The component codes,

drag component

function DragElements({type}:{
  type:typeof dragAbleTypes[keyof typeof dragAbleTypes]}) {
    const [{isdragging},drag] = useDrag(()=>({
        return {isdragging:!!e.isDragging()}
  return (
    // @ts-ignore
    <div ref={drag}>

export default DragElements

drop component

function Canvas() {
  const [elements, setElements] = useAtom(editorState)
  const [,drop] = useDrop(()=>({
    drop:(item:{id:UUIDTypes,type:string}, monitor)=>{
      const newElement = {
      setElements(e=>e = [...e,newElement])
  return (
    // @ts-ignore
    <div className='h-screen flex flex-col border w-full 'ref={drop}>
        return(<EditorRenderingHelper key={e.id.toString()} element = {e}/>)


export default Canvas