When I debug a script that contains asynchronous functions and I want to have the statements grouped into a console group. The groups get mixed up and the whole debugging becomes confusing.
Is there any way to have the statements in the console better organized?
I prepared a simple example:
let C = class
constructor ( color )
this.color = `font-weight: strong; color: ${ color }`;
this.colorName = color;
async run () {
console.groupCollapsed( '%c Class C ', this.color, this.colorName );
console.log( '%c run', this.color );
await this.asyncMethod();
async asyncMethod () {
return new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
setTimeout( () => {
console.log( '%c asyncMethod', this.color, this.colorName );
}, 99 );
} );
syncMethod ()
console.group( '%c syncMethod', this.color, this.colorName );
subSyncMethod ()
console.log( '%c subSyncMethod', this.color, this.colorName );
new C( 'red' );
new C( 'green' );
And the result is unfortunately this:
I need sometning nice like:
I would need to somehow separate the individual statements, even in the case of 2 class calls immediately after each other. Some console.something() command which i dont know or some custom function to delay console writing or sometnihg like that. Or some post-sort in console? It’s possible?