Black Screen Modal Appears in Table Actions on Laravel Filament v3 Resource

I am using Laravel Filament v3 and encountered an issue when generating a resource. I generated the resource using the following command:
php artisan make:filament-resource Anggota --generate

The resource generation completed successfully, but I am experiencing strange behavior in the table view of the generated resource. Specifically:

  • When I perform a search, apply a filter, change the number of items displayed, or navigate to another page in the table, a black screen modal immediately appears.
  • To view the updated data (e.g., navigating to page 2), I have to manually reload the page. After reloading, the table correctly shows the intended data (e.g., page 2).

I didn’t modify anything from the default generated resource
Environment Details:

Here is what I have tried so far:

  • Ensuring that JavaScript and CSS assets are up to date.
  • Clearing cache using php artisan cache:clear and php artisan view:clear.
  • Rechecking the generated code, but I didn’t modify anything from the default generated resource.