Reference counting for sqllite database

I am using javascript and node express with async/await. So there is only one thread/process running, but the way it executes is not straightforward.

Asynchronous methods may request rows from an sqllite database. I am using this npm package.

If simply opening and closing the database inside the async methods, like this

async function request() {
    var db = await{
        filename: "filename.db",
        mode: sqlite3.OPEN_READONLY,
        driver: sqlite3.Database
    //-- do something, like this
    const stmt = await db.prepare("SELECT 1");
    const rows = await stmt.all();
    await stmt.finalize();
    //-- then close
    await actualDb.close();

This throws “SQLITE_BUSY” errors. So I made functions like this to open/close the database:

var inUse = false;

function timeout(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function openDb() {
  while (inUse) {
    await timeout(50)
  inUse = true;
  return await{
    filename: "filename.db",
    mode: sqlite3.OPEN_READONLY,
    driver: sqlite3.Database

async function closeDb(db) {
  await db.close();
  inUse = false;

And then call these functions to open/close the database. But this only allows one async method to use the database at a time, while other requests need to wait. I think it might be possible to allow several “threads” to share the database with reference counting somehow, but don’t know exactly how to do it.