Show / hide div using checkbox and addEventListener click event

The following javascript works but not in my application as a product filter. In my case, clicking the checkbox displays the div but unchecking does not hide the div. Applying, onclick event to the checkbox is also not doable. Is it possible to have two addEventlistener ‘click’ events, one for opening and one for closing?

const check = document.getElementById("checkbox-id");
if (check) {
    check.addEventListener('click', event => {
    this.event = event;
if (check.checked) { document.getElementById("showDiv").style.display = "block"; } 
else { document.getElementById("showDiv").style.display = "none"; }
<input class="input" type="checkbox" id="checkbox-id">
<div id="showDiv">Show / hide</div>

I have tried the following (and others) but I have not been able to hide the box after being revealed. Just know, the click event is the only way that has produced a result. Happy to provide any other info if needed. TY

const general = document.getElementById("checkbox-id");
  const checkOpen = () => {document.getElementById("showDiv").style.display = "block";}
  const checkClosed = () => {document.getElementById("showDiv").style.display = "none";}
if (element) {
    element.addEventListener('click', event => {
    this.event = event;