How to merge first column in html table using java script [closed]

I m using html table .I need to merge the row if rows have repeated values.
below is my code

function myFunction() {
  const previousRow = {};
  const colsChanged = {};
  let dark = false;

  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')).forEach((tr, rowIdx) => {
    Array.from(tr.children).forEach((td, colIdx) => {
      if (rowIdx > 0 && previousRow[colIdx].text === td.innerText) {
        previousRow[colIdx].elem.setAttribute('rowspan', ++previousRow[colIdx].span);
        colsChanged[colIdx] = false;

      } else {
        previousRow[colIdx] = {
          span: 1,
          text: td.innerText,
          elem: td,
        colsChanged[colIdx] = true;
    const rowChanged = Object.values(colsChanged).every(Boolean);
    dark = rowChanged && rowIdx > 0 ? !dark : dark;
    if (dark) {
      // tr.classList.add('dark');
<body onload="myFunction()">
  <table class="table table-bordered" id="rejecteddetails" style="border-collapse: separate;empty-cells: hide;">
        <th class="text-center">
        <th class="text-center">Reason</th>
        <th class="text-center">Rejected By</th>
        <th style="white-space: nowrap;">Rejected Date</th>
        <th class="text-center">Response</th>
        <th class="text-center" style="white-space: nowrap;">Response Added By</th>
        <th class="text-center" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Response Added Date</th>
    <tbody id="rejected_reason_table">
        <td>minimum thickness 25</td>
        <td>2024-12-19 at 07:15 AM</td>
        <td>wrong thickness value</td>
        <td>2024-12-18 at 11:12 PM</td>
        <td>corrected thickness. </td>
        <td>12-19-2024 at 12:53 AM</td>
        <td>wrong thickness value</td>
        <td>2024-12-18 at 11:12 PM</td>
        <td>thickness value corrected and submitted . </td>
        <td>12-19-2024 at 02:02 AM</td>
        <td>wrong thickness value</td>
        <td>2024-12-18 at 11:12 PM</td>
        <td>cannot update the value . value is static</td>
        <td>12-19-2024 at 06:59 AM</td>

Merging is working fine ,but I dont need to display 3, 4 in S.No column .I need to display only 2 because 2,3,4 are merged .