Apache CGI dir problem when trying to combining with PHP

I’m rather a rookie to the website development, and I have decided to make a website just for fun.

It’s a windows system.

I downloaded MySQL and have tabels built already.

I downloaded Apache and PHP.

Command php -v returns correct version info in ‘CMD’.

Address ‘http:localhost’ in browser returns correct greeting page that says “It works!!”.


Informations above should proof a working Apache and PHP installation.


The Apache has been binded with port (checked with netstat -ano | findstr :9000 and telnet

File ‘php.ini’ has beed modified with extensions:


File ‘httpd.conf’ has modifications below:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/mod_proxy_fcgi.so

<FilesMatch .php$>
    SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"

A test php file named ‘test.php’ that contains


was put in folder ‘htdocs’.

But after I ran php-cgi.exe -b and httpd.exe in different CMD windows and input ‘localhost/test.php’ in my browser, I got error below:

Proxy Error
The proxy server could not handle the request
Reason: DNS lookup failure for:

I assume the problem is the d: in the end, so that it cannot find the correct path to ‘test.php’

Did someone meet with this kind of problem before or know what is going on?

I would really appreciate your help, thank you !! ;).