I’m doing a simple website, in my website I have two pages, INDEX and IMAGES.
INDEX have a iframe that load IMAGES, I’m using codes that I found online by the way.
In IMAGES I have a some links like this:
class="gg-box, other-css-clas"
alt="Image 29"
data-title="Image 29"
data-author="Autor 29"
IMAGES have a javascript that send data to INDEX javascript to load a modal css.
// Selects all images inside the gg-box class
const images = document.querySelectorAll(".gg-box img");
// For each image, add a click event listener
images.forEach((image, index) => {
image.addEventListener("click", function() {
// Get the src attribute (URL) and data attributes of the clicked image
const imageSrc = image.src;
const title = image.getAttribute("data-title") || "X . X";
const author = image.getAttribute("data-author") || "X . X";
const link = image.getAttribute("data-link") || "#";
// Sends a message to the parent (INDEX) with image details
type: "openImage",
src: imageSrc,
index: index,
images: Array.from(images).map(img => ({
src: img.src,
title: img.getAttribute("data-title") || "X . X",
author: img.getAttribute("data-author") || "X . X",
link: img.getAttribute("data-link") || "#"
}, "*");
In INDEX I have a simple css modal with a img tag in the middle:
This is the parent code in INDEX:
// DOM Element Declarations
const ggScreen = document.getElementById('gg-screen');
const modalImage = document.getElementById('modal-image');
const prevBtn = document.getElementById('prev-btn');
const nextBtn = document.getElementById('next-btn');
const closeBtn = document.getElementById('close-btn');
const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-full-res-btn'); // Download button
// Variables for Image Control
let images = [];
let currentImgIndex = -1;
function openImageModal(imageSrc) {
modalImage.src = imageSrc;
ggScreen.style.display = 'flex';
// Make the image focusable
modalImage.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
const currentImage = images[currentImgIndex];
if (currentImage) {
// Fill in the title, author, and link information
const title = currentImage.title || "X . X";
const author = currentImage.author || "X . X";
const link = currentImage.link || "#";
document.getElementById('data-text-title').textContent = title;
document.getElementById('data-text-author').textContent = author;
document.getElementById('data-text-link').innerHTML = `<a href="${link}" target="_blank">Open link</a>`;
// Set up the download button with the image URL
const fullResImage = currentImage.fullRes || imageSrc;
// Function to configure the download button
function configureDownloadButton(imageSrc) {
const fileName = imageSrc.split('/').pop(); // Extract the file name from the URL
const fullResUrl = `/IMGS/FULL-RES/${fileName}`; // Complete URL for download
// Set the download URL attribute on the modal image
modalImage.setAttribute('data-img-fullres', fullResUrl);
// Update the download button with the URL and file name
downloadBtn.setAttribute('href', fullResUrl);
downloadBtn.setAttribute('download', fileName);
// Image download handler
function handleDownloadClick(event) {
event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent the modal from closing when the download button is clicked
const imageUrl = modalImage.getAttribute('data-img-fullres');
const fileName = imageUrl.split('/').pop();
if (imageUrl) {
console.log("Download button clicked! The download URL is: " + imageUrl);
// Create a temporary link for downloading
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = imageUrl;
a.download = fileName;
// Trigger the click for automatic download
// Remove the temporary link after the click
} else {
console.log("Error: Could not find the download URL.");
// Call the initialization function
The code is working, but not properly.
Information like data-title
, data-author
and data-link
works fine, but data-fullres
don’t, what I need is set the id="modal-image"
to receive the data-img-fullres="IMGS/FULL-RES/29.jpg"
from IMAGES.
Right now I don’t find a way to properly assing the data-img-fullres
to the src of id="modal-image"
, the default behavior is open the THUMBNAIL, in some tries I got a undefined error from the browser.
How can I properly address the data-img-fullres