Why does Carbon::createFromFormat() not throw an exception when given a UK format and a US date?

I have this code:

try {
    Carbon::createFromFormat('dmY', $rawDate)->format('Ymd');
} catch (InvalidFormatException $e) {
    echo 'Oops, bad date format.';

If I feed in 31012024 as my $rawDate value, I get 20240131 back as the output. This is correct. Carbon has correctly read and then formatted the date as I would expect it to.

If, instead, I feed in 01312024 (the 1st day of the 31st month of the year), I get back 20260701 as the output. This is not what I’d expect, as the 31st month does not exist, and I would have assumed that Carbon would throw an InvalidFormatException exception because the month simply cannot exist.

I could run the string through a script to validate that the first two characters are lower than 31 and the third and fourth characters are lower than 12, but I don’t want to account for the different month lengths and leap years.

My question is, is there a different Carbon method I could call before the createFromFormat to validate that the date format is correct first?

I cannot use parse as this would successfully parse the American date format, which I do not want the script to do; it must accept and validate a UK date format.

No other format but ddmmyyyy should be accepted.

For reference, I am using Carbon 2.72.5 and am not in a Laravel environment, so I cannot use Laravel validation tools.