I’m working on a form-based React application where I manage a state object called editClient. One of the fields in this object, CallOutSection, is an array that contains multiple sections, and each section has a method field. I need to update the method value for a specific section when a user interacts with a dropdown (dxSelectBox).
The problem I’m facing is that when I update the method for one section, the entire state (editClient) is updated, which causes unnecessary re-renders of the entire component. This re-render is not only inefficient but also disrupts conditional rendering that depends on specific fields in CallOutSection.
Here’s how I’m currently handling the state update:
Data.js code:
export const client = {
GUID: "Add",
Name: "",
Email: "",
ClientCode: "",
EMSDetails: {
username: "",
password: "",
url: "",
version: "",
CallOutSection: [],
client.js code:
import {
} from "./Data.js";
export default function Clients(props) {
const [editClient, setEditClient] = useState(null);
function addNewClient() {
function handleAddCallout() {
if (editClient?.CallOutSection?.length < 2 || editClient?.CallOutSection == undefined || editClient?.CallOutSection == null) {
setEditClient(prev => {
const updatedClient = { ...prev };
if (!updatedClient.CallOutSection) {
updatedClient.CallOutSection = [];
triggerCallOut: "",
authenticationMethod: "",
Username: "",
Password: "",
method: "",
RequestPayload: "",
url: "",
waitforResponse: false,
queryParams: "",
timeout: "",
abortifrequesttimesout: true,
responseCode: "",
abortifCodedoesntmatch: false,
replaceKey: "",
replaceValue: "",
inCaseOfError: "",
// Add other default fields for CallOutSection here
return updatedClient;
<Tab title="Callout Configuration">
<SCButton text="Add Callout" className="addCalloutbtn" onClick={handleAddCallout} disabled={editClient?.CallOutSection?.length >= 2} />
{editClient?.CallOutSection &&
editClient.CallOutSection.map((callout, index) => (
<div style={{
flex: 1
<React.Fragment >
<ReactForm key={index} formData={callout} id={`callout-form-${index}`} >
<GroupItem className="callout-section">
{/* Header spanning both columns */}
<SimpleItem cssClass="group-heading" colSpan={2}>
style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', cursor: 'pointer' }}
onClick={() => toggleCollapse(index)}
icon={!isCollapsedArray[index] ? faAngleDown : faAngleUp} // Toggle icon
style={{ marginRight: '10px' }}
<h5>{`Callout ${index + 1}`}</h5>
{!isCollapsedArray[index] && (
<GroupItem colCount={2}>
<GroupItem colCount={1}>
dataSource: triggerOptions,
readOnly: isReadOnlyArray[index],
value: callout.triggerCallOut,
dropDownOptions: {
hideOnParentScroll: true,
container: ".Clients.content"
<Label text="Trigger Call Out" />
<RequiredRule message="Please Select trigger" />
dataSource: authenticationMethods,
value: callout.authenticationMethod,
readOnly: isReadOnlyArray[index],
onValueChanged: (e) => {
setEditClient(prev => {
prev.CallOutSection[index].authenticationMethod = e.value;
return deepCopy(prev);
dropDownOptions: {
hideOnParentScroll: true,
container: ".Clients.content"
<Label text="Authentication Method" />
<RequiredRule message="Please Select authentication method" />
{/* Conditionally render Username and Password fields */}
{callout.authenticationMethod === "Basic" && (
<GroupItem colCount={2}>
maxLength: 200,
readOnly: isReadOnlyArray[index],
value: callout.Username,
<Label text="Username" />
<RequiredRule message="Username Required" />
maxLength: 200,
mode: "password",
readOnly: isReadOnlyArray[index],
value: callout.Password,
<Label text="Password" />
<RequiredRule message="Password Required" />
dataSource: methodOptions,
value: callout.method,
onValueChanged: (e) => {
setEditClient(prev => {
prev.CallOutSection[index].method = e.value;
return deepCopy(prev);
readOnly: isReadOnlyArray[index],
dropDownOptions: {
hideOnParentScroll: true,
container: ".Clients.content"
<Label text="Method" />
<RequiredRule message="Please Select Method" />
{/* Conditionally render Request Payload field if Method is POST */}
{callout.method === "POST" && (
readOnly: isReadOnlyArray[index],
value: callout.RequestPayload,
<Label text="Request Payload" />
<RequiredRule message="Payload Required" />
In this code, when a user changes the method field in a specific section, I’m updating the entire ‘editClient’ state by the property ‘onValueChanged’. However, React sees this as an update to the whole object, even though only one field is changing, and this causes the entire editClient state to re-render the entire screen.
I only need to update the method field for the specific section that
has changed, but React triggers a full re-render of the entire
component because the reference to editClient is being updated. -
This causes performance issues, especially when there are many
sections in CallOutSection, and also disrupts conditional rendering
based on field values.
I want to only update the method field of a specific CallOutSection and prevent the entire editClient state from being updated or re-rendered. My goal is to optimize performance and ensure that only the affected UI component re-renders when the method field is changed, without triggering a re-render for other parts of the state or other sections.
How can I update only the method field for a specific index in CallOutSection without updating the entire state and causing unnecessary re-renders?
Is there a way to optimize React’s state update so that only the affected field is updated in the DOM without affecting other state parts?
Any suggestions or advice would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!