Fetching 10000+ data from Indexed DB [closed]

I have been fetching some study data from Indexed DB and for 10000+ records it is taking very long time to load (almost 40s). here dixie has already being used.

async getCdiscDataDistinctValues (realm: Realm, study: StudyIds, domain: Domain, property: string)
this._checkMainArgs (realm, study, domain, false, true);
checkReq (property, 'property', 'string');
const store = this._loaderCache.getStore(this._loaderCache.storeId(realm, domain));
const records await store.where('STUDYID').anyOf(asArray (study))..toArray();
console.log("Records", records);
console.log("Store", store);
return uniq(map(records, property));
export const fetchDistinctValuesFromRawData = createAsyncThunk<
 async ({ studyIds, realm, domains, columns }, { rejectWithValue, getState }) => {
   try {
     console.log("Redux fetch started", new Date().getTime());
     const state = getState() as RootState;
     const results: any[] = [];
     // Iterate through each domain
     await Promise.all(
       asArray(domains).map(async (domain) => {
         const dataItem = studyDataItemSelector(state, { domain });
         const chunks = chunk(columns, 10); // Split columns into chunks of 10
         for (const columnsChunk of chunks) {
           const chunkResults = await Promise.all(
             asArray(columnsChunk).map(async (column) => {
               const startTime = performance.now();
               // Fetch distinct values for the current domain and column
               const values = await coreSdwDataApi.getCdiscDataDistinctValues(
               const endTime = performance.now();
                 `Fetched values for ${domain}-${column} in ${endTime - startTime}ms`
               return {
                 domainLastSync: dataItem?.lastSync,
           results.push(...chunkResults); // Add chunk results to overall results
     console.log("Redux fetch results", new Date().getTime(), results);
     return results;
   } catch (error) {
     console.error("Error fetching distinct values:", error);
     return rejectWithValue(error);

I am expecting that 10000+ records should not take this long to get it loaded into the screen. I tried multiple ways to get it done , I tried increasing or decreasing the size of chunks nothing worked. Please help me with this issue.