I have a form to create and update a client entity, the field for the name is supposed to search in the entity, make autocompletion and if it finds a match, it is supposed to place the results to the other fields in the form for the client.
I defined a service using java code to create and update the client, this one works fine, to generate this other service I was trying to use javascript and groovy, but I don’t fully understand how to do this other service. I don’t understand well how to handle more than one service for the same form. The way I tried is, my form is calling the service to create and update the client, and my field is calling the other service.
Also, I have downloaded JQuery to use my .js script, but I can’t find the right version, I keep getting an error. I have tried with the latest one (1.14.1,), and others (1.13.1, 1.12.1, 1.7, …)
The form uses the createClient service to update and add a client (this one works) :
<form name="clientForm" default-entity-name="Client" target="createClient">
<field name="editModeClient" title=" ">
<option key="create" description="ADD"/>
<option key="update" description="UPDATE"/>
<field name="nameClient" title="VALIDATE CLIENT" entity-name="Client" service-name="getClientDetails">
<text size="50"/>
<field name="prefixClient" title="PREFIX">
<text read-only="true" default-value="TEST" size="3"/>
<field name="typeRClient" title="TYPE R" >
<drop-down allow-empty="false">
description="[${typeRSId} ${typeRSDesc}]">
<field name="rSClient" title="RS>
<text client-autocomplete-field="false" size="50"/>
<field name="nameComClient" title="NCOM">
<text client-autocomplete-field="false" size="50"/>
<field name="rfClient" title="RF">
<text client-autocomplete-field="false" size="10"/>
<field name="phone" title="PHONE">
<text client-autocomplete-field="false" size="15"/>
<field name="email" title="EMAIL">
<text client-autocomplete-field="false" size="25"/>
<field name="cClient" title="C">
<text client-autocomplete-field="false" size="40"/>
<field name="Save" title="SAVE">
<!--<submit button-type="submit"/>-->
<submit button-type="button"/>
The field nameClient uses the service getClientDetails to handle the search for the field, this is the one I’m having problems:
<service name="getClientDetails" engine="groovy"
invoke="getClientDetails" auth="true">
<description>Get client details by name</description>
<attribute name="searchTerm" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
<attribute name="clientList" type="List" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
The request :
<request-map uri="getClientDetails">
<security https="true" auth="true"/>
<event type="service" invoke="getClientDetails"/>
<response name="success" type="request" value="json"/>
<response name="error" type="request" value="json"/>
The groovy code:
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityOperator
def getClientDetails(Map context) {
Map result = [:]
String searchTerm = context.searchTerm
try {
List<GenericValue> clientList = EntityQuery.use(delegator)
.where(EntityCondition.makeCondition("nameClient", EntityOperator.LIKE, "%" + searchTerm + "%"))
result.clientList = clientList
} catch (Exception e) {
return error("Error getting client details: ${e.message}")
return result
The javascript code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#nameClient").on("input", function() {
var searchTerm = $(this).val();
url: "getClientDetails",
data: { searchTerm: searchTerm },
type: "POST",
success: function(response) {
// ... (rest of your AJAX handling code) ...
// ...
So, can anyone help me to understand how to perform more than one service in a form?, is it better to try a .ftl file for the form and handle everything there?, and how to get the functionality described before?. Apologies, a lot of questions but I have not found the answers,Thanks!