handleInputChange data input synchronising to all other rows

I have a LWC which diaplays a table of a custom object called ‘Specifications’ which a are grouped by Opportunity line items (parent record of the specifications.

The Opportunity row was read only, but I’ve now added two editable fields (Opp_Delivery_Initial__c and Opp_Sales_Initial__c). They work as they should, except, when adding a value to any one of the new fields in the Opportunity row, it simultaneously populates it into all of the other Opportunity line item rows. I’m not sure if i have variables muddled up, but they seem to be consistent. Ive added a screen shot of LWC in use showing the issue and the handleInputChange below, along with the html. Any help would be appreciated.

JS handleInputChange:

    handleInputChange(event) {
        const fieldName = event.target.dataset.field;
        const recordId = event.target.dataset.id;
        const newValue = event.target.value;
        // Clone the opportunityProducts array for immutability
        let updatedProducts = this.opportunityProducts.map(product => {
            // Check if the event's record ID matches the product
            if (product.lineItemId === recordId) {
                // Create a new object for the product with the updated field
                return { 
                    [fieldName]: newValue 
            } else if (product.specifications) {
                // Clone the specifications array for immutability
                const updatedSpecifications = product.specifications.map(spec => {
                    if (spec.Id === recordId) {
                        return { ...spec, [fieldName]: newValue };  // Update specific specification
                    return spec;
                // Return the product with the updated specifications
                return { ...product, specifications: updatedSpecifications };
            return product;
        // Update the tracked property
        this.opportunityProducts = updatedProducts;


                    <template for:each={opportunityProducts} for:item="lineItem">
                        <tr key={lineItem.lineItemId} class="group-header">
                            <template if:true={isEditing}>
                                <td colspan="9">
                                    {lineItem.Opportunity_Type__c} Opportunity: QTY: {lineItem.quantity} - {lineItem.Opportunity_Product_Name_Editible__c}: 
                                    <div class="normal-text"> - {lineItem.description}</div>
                            <template if:false={isEditing}>
                                <td colspan="7">
                                    {lineItem.Opportunity_Type__c} Opportunity: QTY: {lineItem.quantity} - {lineItem.Opportunity_Product_Name_Editible__c}: 
                                    <div class="normal-text"> - {lineItem.description}</div>
                            <!-- Editable Delivery Initial Field in Group Header Row -->
                            <td class="delivery-initial-cell">
                                <template if:true={isEditing}>
                                <template if:false={isEditing}>
                            <!-- Editable Sales Initial Field in Group Header Row -->
                            <td class="sales-initial-cell">
                                <template if:true={isEditing}>
                                <template if:false={isEditing}>
                            <template if:true={isEditing}>

Tried to add new editable fields to the Opportunity line item row and ensure that any changes are logged and updates saved back to Salesforce.

Expected, when inputting a value into one of these new fields, that it only updates the current record, not all the other records.