How can the prototype pattern in JavaScript work, if deep copies are sometimes just not possible? Or are they?

I’m trying to understand the true nature of the prototype pattern by looking at how it presents in radically different programming languages.¹

So I decided to look up at JavaScript, as one of the several non-compiled languages around.

And that’s how I refreshed something that I had known in the past, i.e. that foo = bar in JavaScript is a shallow copy (assuming bar is an object), thus concluding that JavaScript too does need a way of cloning objects, where cloning means deep copying. So I searched for that and bumped into the page on “Deep copy”, where I read that

many JavaScript objects are not serializable at all […] So there’s no way to make deep copies of such objects.

[…] And calling structuredClone() to clone a non-serializable object will fail in the same way that calling JSON.stringify() to serialize it will fail.

from which I’d conclude that there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all solution for deep copying in JavaScript.

Is that indeed the case?

(¹) Coming from C++, I looked at that first, and came to the conclusion that the prototype pattern is after all just the solution to the problem of (deep) cloning a polymorphic object, all the rest that is usually presented with the prototype design pattern being just convient stuff one might want to do as well (a factory, a store of common prototypes, and so on).