Why isn’t text-decoration-thickness appearing in computed styles?

I have the below CSS:

example-element {
  text-decoration: underline 35px solid rgba(0, 76, 255, 0.52);

I expect to get text-decoration-thickness: 35px as part of the computed styles. However, when I check the computed styles using JavaScript:


I get:

    text-decoration-color: "rgba(0, 76, 255, 0.52)"
    text-decoration-line: "underline"
    text-decoration-skip-ink: "auto"
    text-decoration-style: "solid"

It doesn’t return text-decoration-thickness as a separate property like others.

Why is text-decoration-thickness not showing up in the computed styles, even though it’s part of the shorthand text-decoration? It seems like a clear oversight from Chrome, as if the developers aren’t taking this seriously. Chrome should include text-decoration-thickness in the computed styles. This is causing my system to break, and it’s unacceptable.

Any hacks to fix this issue temporary will be appreciated. Thanks.