Typescript Classes use a static method in a base class typed for any children classes

I am trying to write a wrapper for web components which allows you to use them in JSX by referencing their key; implicitly this will also register the custom element if not done so already so that you don’t forget to.

Is it possible to have some abstract base class which defines a static method, and have children classes which extend this class, and have correct typing when accessing the method.

For example:

abstract class Base {
  static _key: string

  static get key() {

    return this._key

class Child extends Base {
  static _key = "child" as const

// Want key to be of type "child", not string
const key = Child.key

If possible, I would prefer to do something like this (because this would allow me to type the props without having to modify IntrinsicElements everywhere), but I’m noticing a similar problem

abstract class Base {
  static _key: string

  static Render(props: any) {
    return "jsx-representation-of-element"

class Child extends Base {
  static _key = "child" as const

// Some other file, test.tsx
// Expecting that the type is inferred to need Child's props, not Base's
const Component = <Child.Render />

I have been able to get around this by adding static key: typeof this._key to Child but this would require me adding it everywhere, so hoping I can find a solution which doesn’t require this.

For the first part, I looked into using this as a parameter but this can’t be done on getters. I realise I could solve this by making it a normal method, and then calling it once outside the component function, referencing that variable inside the jsx tag, but that seems quite verbose.
I also tried making Base take a generic parameter and returning this in Base.key, ignoring the error about static members and generic types, but this just made the type T (effectively any)

For the second part, I was able to use the this parameter, but as mentioned, the Child.Render function thinks the this type is Base because it’s not been called yet.
Something like

abstract class Base {
  static _key: string

  static Render<T extends typeof Base>(this: T, props: Props<T>) {
    return "jsx-representation-of-element"

Obviously, once I call Child.Render(), the types are fine, but this won’t work if using inside a jsx tag.

Is there some tsconfig option I can use to make it default to Child‘s this?