How to get current time without creating a new date but make it readable unlike

I have a method in one of the shared utility class. It just logs an event when called:

public static newEvent(message: string): void {
    const t_option = {
        hour: '2-digit',
        minute: '2-digit',
        fractionalSecondDigits: '3',
        hour12: false,
    } as Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;

    const now = new Date().toLocaleTimeString([], t_option);        
    const formattedMessage = `[${now}] ${message}`;

This sort of logs something like this to console (and saves in a file log somewhere else):

[15:01:13.929] initialising...
[15:01:50.588] connecting to websockets...
[15:02:06.384] websockets connected (3)
[15:04:02.992] fetching weather data...

This log method is being called from pretty much all the services and components in the angular application. There are a LOT of calls. Maybe around 10-12 a second on a busy day.
My issue here is that I’m creating a new Date() for each message logged. I want the timestamp to be in a human readable format, but I am wondering if creating a new date object is the best way to do it?

If I create one static date outsuide the method then the timestamp is not live, as in, every time the date/time will be the same as when it was created. If use instead, I get unix timestamp, but, it’s not human readable.

So my question I guess is, is there a better way to do what I want without creating a ton of new object? Or is this trivial enough that I don’t have to worry about it?