What’s the idioamtic way to define a function that takes an array as an argument in WebIDL such that WebIDL binder generates Javascript bindings that are “pass by reference”?
So I could do something like this:
void Foo::process_array(float array[], int num_frames)
for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
array[i] *= 0.5;
and call it like this in js
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
foo.process_array(arr, arr.length)
// > [0.5, 1., 1.5]
One way to pass arrays using WebIDL is this:
interface Foo {
void Foo();
void process_array(sequence<float> foo, long num_frames);
struct Foo {
void process_array(float foo[], int num_frames);
If calling the generated wrapper code like this, in accordance to the docs, the array gets passed by value – the array gets copied in, but not copied out, of the heap.
Then there’s frozen arrays that appear to do what I like, but they can only be used as attributes of objects, not parameters.
I could just copy the output buffer to an attribute, but then I have to
- wrap the C++ method in an object just to keep the output buffer
- wrap the js method to get back the behaviour I’d like to have:
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
foo.process_array(arr, arr.length)
arr = [...foo.output]