can’t seem to find a way to remove a value from an array in my firestore within a batched write

I am using javascript with CDN imports and I am trying to remove an element from an array within a batched write, however it seems that no matter what I try I keep getting errors with the most common being the following:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: FieldValue.arrayRemove is not a function

I use the following import for the firestore:

import { getFirestore, doc, getDoc, writeBatch, FieldValue } from "";

I have tried a couple of solutions, the ones I can remember I have here below (here ‘theirUIDsDocRef’ is the reference to the document with the array, ‘UIDs’ is the name of the array and ‘myUID’ is a variable containing my UID which I want to delete):

batch.update(theirUIDsDocRef, { "UIDs": FieldValue.arrayRemove(myUID) });

batch.update(theirUIDsDocRef, "UIDs", FieldValue.arrayRemove(myUID));

batch.update(theirUIDsDocRef, { UIDs: FieldValue.arrayRemove(MyUID) });

If there is anything else you might need to know, please ask.