Bcrypt returns false

Bcrypt.compare returns false. I checked about 10 questions in here, but still couldn’t figure it out. My user model doesn’t trim passwords. Mongodb used to store hashed password. Implemented step by step checks. Hashed password is returned correctly. Ensured that the correct password is used as an input. Consulted with genAI with no success. Please help.

    userLogin: async (parent, { email, password }, context) => {
  try {
    // Check if the rate limit has been exceeded
    if (context.req.rateLimit && context.req.rateLimit.remaining <= 0) {
      // Log rate limit exceeded
      logWarn(`Rate limit exceeded for email: ${email}`);
      // Throw an error if the rate limit has been exceeded
      throw new Error('Too many login attempts, please try again later.');

    // Find the user by email
    const user = await User.findOne({ email });

    // Log the user object
    logInfo(`User found: ${JSON.stringify(user)}`);

    // Check if the user exists
    if (!user) {
      // Log failed login attempt
      logError(`Failed login attempt for email: ${email}`);
      // Throw an error if the user does not exist
      throw new Error('User not found');

    // Log the hashed password stored in the database
    logInfo(`Hashed password from database: ${user.password}`);

    // Log the provided password
    logInfo(`Provided password: ${password}`);

    // Check if the provided password matches the hashed password stored in the database
    const isMatch = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);

    // Log the password comparison result
    logInfo(`Password match: ${isMatch}`);

    if (!isMatch) {
      // Log failed login attempt
      logError(`Failed login attempt for email: ${email}`);
      // Throw an error if the password is incorrect
      throw new Error('Invalid email or password');

    // Generate a JWT token
    const token = jwt.sign({ userId: user._id }, 'your_jwt_secret_here', {
      expiresIn: '1h',

    // Log successful login
    logInfo(`User logged in: ${user.email}`);

    // Return the token and the user ID
    return {
      userId: user._id,
  } catch (error) {
    // Log the error
    logError(`Error during login: ${error.message}`);
    throw error;