Can’t figure out how to configure Chakra-UI

I have this to templates main.jsx and app.jsx

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App.jsx";
import { Provider } from "@chakra-ui/react";

      <App />

and app.jsx

import { Button } from "@chakra-ui/react";

function App() {
  return (

export default App;

I’m trying to configure and use Chakra-UI but that button won’t be added there with everything that I tried
I also tried this in main.js

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App.jsx";
import ChakraProvider from "@chakra-ui/react";

      <App />

The error for the first type of main.jsx is

The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/@chakra-ui_react.js?v=88ddfe76' does not provide an export named 'Provider' (at main.jsx:4:10)

And for the second type

 The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/@chakra-ui_react.js?v=88ddfe76' does not provide an export named 'default' (at main.jsx:4:8)

Please help me with some ideas…