running code gives file location only JavaScript

So this is my first time programming, I’m trying to create a scraper that pulls text, I’m trying to follow along with a YouTube video but I’m getting different results, when running my code it only gives this:

PS C:Usersbasje> & 'g:codingvs codefilesDiscord Gta Botscrapers.js'

which is just the file location of the file.
i ran the code by clicking the 3 dots on the terminal and pressing “Run Active File”
i did import puppeteer and made an empty packaged json
here are the code and YouTube video for reference

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

async function scrapeProduct(url) {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage()
    await page.goto(url)

    const[el] = await page.$x('//*[@id="productTitle"]')
    const txt = await el.getProperty('textContent');
    const rawTxt = await txt.JsonValue();

    console.log({srcTxt, rawTxt});

